Mario Mally

Mario Mally M.Sc.


Isogeometric and Reduced Order Models for Efficient Electric Machine Drive Cycle Simulation


work +49 6151 16-24394

Work S2|17 41
Schloßgartenstr. 8
64289 Darmstadt

This project of TRR 361 enables electric machine simulation using a domain decomposition method based on isogeometric analysis for electromagnetic problems. Non-conforming trimmed interface discretisations are glued to each other by mortaring. Parallelised subdomain-wise model order reduction speeds up repeated computations such that uncertainty quantification and optimisation become feasible. Finally, the reduced order models will be used as coarse propagators within the parallel-in-time method Parareal.

Donnerstags von 15:00-16:00 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung (in beiden Fällen bitte vorher per E-Mail anmelden)